Our purpose
The Lillian Methodist Women's purpose is to know God, which promotes spiritual growth. To use our gifts and talents to enhance the church's mission and our mission of "Sisters in Christ Reaching Out With God's Love".
global methodist church mission
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. In our worship, we desire to surrender to and be fully devoted to one God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What are passionate about what is important to God.
Monthly Meetings (September - May)
1st Monday of the month (Our September meeting will be the 9th.)
9:00 AM - food and fellowship, 9:30 AM - program and meeting
2023-2024 Mission and Support
The following are our 2023-2024 missions and support: Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center (Care House), Baldwin County Sheriff's Boys Ranch, Betty and Floyd Replogle Undergraduate Scholarship, Bright Bridge Ministries, Discretionary Fund, Embrace AL Kids (Methodist Children's Home), Family Promise of Baldwin County, Global Methodist Church Disaster Relief, Gulf Coast Kid's House, Kairos Outside South AL, Lillian Methodist Men's Car Show, Lillian Methodist Church Secretary, Lillian Methodist Church Shut-Ins, Max-Well Respite Center, Red Bird Mission, Samaritan's Purse, Stegall Seminary Scholarship Endowment Foundation and Teen Challenge of Pensacola, FL.
click here for the lillian Methodist WOmen's 2023-2024 Mission and Support Descriptions FLYER.
Fundraising Projects
Trash & Treasure Sale (October 26, 2024)
Bake Sale & Craft Show (April 5, 2025)​
For more information about the Trash & Treasure Sale and the Bake Sale & Craft Show, look under the Events tab at the top of the page.​
Prayer for the Day
By Mary Stewart (written in 1904)
Presented to the LMW by Joy Lillie, May 4, 2015
Keep us, O God, from pettiness; Let us be large in thought, in work, in deed. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self-pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgement and always generous. Let us take time for all things; Make us to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straight-forward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize that it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great human heart of all of us, and O Lord God, let us forget not, to be kind. Amen